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Clear Brower History

See Changes to You Website

Refresh a Webpage

For Windows users, Press Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl+R will force the browser to retrieve the webpage from the server instead of loading it from the cache.

For Mac users – To refresh a webpage on a Mac, you can use the keyboard shortcut Command-R. If that doesn’t work, you can try force refreshing the page. Safari and Opera: Press Command-Option-R. Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Vivaldi: Press Command-Shift-R.


Safari users on OS X, press Option+ Command+E to empty your cache, and then Command+R to refresh the page. Since the cache has been deleted, the page will be retrieved from the server. You can also force delete the cache in your browser settings. Mobile users will need to do this as there is no option to do this at browser level yet. To fully clear cache – In some instances, you will need to enter the browser settings a manually clear the cache.

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Clear Your Browser History on Computers

For Google Chrome users – Go to the three-dot menu at the upper right of Chrome to select History -> History. Then on the right of the screen, select Delete Browsing Data. This will open a dialog box to delete your browsing browsing, as well as your download history (it won’t delete the actual downloaded files), cookies, cached images and files (which help load pages faster when you revisit), saved passwords, and more. You can delete only the info from the last hour, day, week, month, or all of it from “the beginning of time.”

For Microsoft Edge users – Go to the three-dot menu at the upper right of Edge. Then Select History -and a pop-up box will appear, select the 3-dot menu in this box and click Open History Page. At the top right, click Delete Browsing Data. This will open a dialog box to delete your browsing browsing, as well as your download history (it won’t delete the actual downloaded files), cookies, cached images and files (which help load pages faster when you revisit), saved passwords, and more.

For Safari users – In the Safari app on your Mac, choose History > Clear History, then click the pop-up menu. Choose how far back you want your browsing history cleared.

For Mozilla Firefox users – Open the menu panel by clicking the menu button. Select History. Select Clear Recent History… Choose how much history to clear using the drop-down menu next to Time range to clear. Select what information to clear using the check boxes. Click the blue Clear Now button in the bottom right to complete the process.

For Opera users – Press Ctrl+H to open your history page. Click Clear browsing data in the top-right corner.

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Clear Your Browser History on Mobile Devices

Safari – Open the ‘Settings’ app, then select ‘Safari’. Scroll down, then select ‘Clear History and Website Data’. Tap ‘Clear History’ to confirm.

Chrome – Google’s Chrome browser is the standard on all Android phones, and is downloadable on iOS. Tap More (three dots) in the top right. Tap History. Tap Clear browsing data. Select a time range at the top. To delete your entire history, select All time. Check the box next to Browsing history. Uncheck any other data you don’t want to delete. Tap Clear data at the bottom right of your screen.

Firefox – Tap the menu button. Tap Settings. Tap Delete browsing data in the Privacy and security section. Select the types of data you want to delete: Open Tabs. Browsing history. Cookies and site data. Cached images and files. Site permissions. Downloads. Tap Delete browsing data.

Opera – Tap the radio dial (“Easy setup”) button. Scroll to Privacy & Security. Beside Browsing data, tap Clear.

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